28 d’oct. 2010


Si vols trobar-me, si vols acostar-te a mi, si vols compartir els meus somnis em trobaràs en algun racó de món escoltant Tom Waits. Potser seré passejant sota la pluja, potser mirant el mar un dia d'hivern, potser corrent pels carrers de la ciutat, potser escrivint un poema que em recordi que estic viva i que encara puc sentir el vent a la cara. Qui sap si abrigada per la pell de la nit o la claror d'una matinada qualsevol...

Come with me my love to the sea
The sea of love
I want to tell you
How much I love you
I'm drowning in a sea of love

Do you remember the night we met?
That's the night I knew you were my pet
I want to tell you
How much I love you
I'm drowning in a sea of love

Come with me to the sea

Do you remember the night we met?
That's the night I just knew you were my pet
I want to tell you
How much I love you
I'm down in a sea of love

Come with me to the sea

Do you remember the night we met?
That's the night I just knew you were my pet
I want to tell you
How much I love you
I'm down in a sea of love

Come with me to the sea

Do you remember the night we met?
That's the night I just knew you were my pet
I want to tell you
How much I love you
I'm down here in a sea of love

Come with me to the sea

Come with me my love to the sea
The sea of love
I want to tell you
How much I love you
I'm down here in a sea of love

Come with me to the sea

1 comentari:

Elfreelang ha dit...

Una cançó per a reflexionar! m'agrada Tom Waits